Amidst A Glorious Field of Poppies

adventures with Abigail

One of my 'Adventures with Abigail' had us out in the scorching late spring heat! It was a hot sunny day, and I stumbled upon a glorious field of poppies growing in the wild! Naturally, this little jaunt turned into a captivating 8 hour adventure! 

I was gobsmacked with the poppy's beauty growing amongst the green flowing grasses. The punchy colour of their long flowing petals and the whimsical curved stems provided such inspiration. 

Some grew solo, some in pairs and many in bunches. Some were budding and some were spent.  Very relatable to human nature wouldn't you say? I explored each poppy, carefully and with great joy brimming from my heart! 

Come 'in the field' with me and get a small taste of the glory!

Glorious right?!

Naturally I scooped myself a bouquet to take with me, because y'all know how much I LOVE flowers...

bouquet of wild poppies
This bouquet was as big as my head! 

Of course the photographic fun did not stop there! Though, I appreciated them in their natural habitat, I wanted to explore these a little more deliberately and with control so to the studio we went... 

This day was such a delight! I had no idea that poppies would captivate my whole day and night ~ and you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
Sure there were struggles along the way, sweat stinging my eyes, back breaking stances on a steep incline, fighting winds and constant changes in lighting by the clouds floating by, but it was all worth it right down to little critters I got to make friends with in the field ( some were really gross ewww ) 
At long last, have a look at the lovelies that were created on this glorious spring day Poppy Collection and be sure to subscribe to the newsletter to be amongst the first to see the NEW "Reminiscence" Limited Edition Series
Let me know in the comments what ones are your faves:
the ones from the field or the studio? 

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