Gleefully Observing Nature's Confetti
It was an early fall day, the air was warm and the breeze was gentle. I was on my way to Victoria Park for a little photo-adventure to see what I could discover.
Well, I tell ya, I didn't make it far past the car because I was caught up with these sweet little yellow leaves gently floating to the ground from the trees around.
I gleefully watched, nature's confetti and noticed where it landed and settled on the ground. It was awe-inspiring.

As I walked around paying particularly close attention to the beauty at my feet, these sweet little leaves and stems formed what looked to be reminiscent of hieroglyphics or a special message from nature that was waiting to be de-coded.
Fascinated, I grabbed Abigail and carefully composed my photograph to capture the various patterns that lay at my feet before the breeze swept them away.
And to answer the question that is always asked...
"Yes, this was natures composition - as I found them, at my feet. I did not make this arrangement my compositional skills are just not that good"